Contact your MP

Let's demand that the Government reject Viva's terminal.  A terminal that threatens communities, marine environments and climate targets. 

Writing and talking to your MP is critical! For everyone who takes the time to raise an issue with them, they know there are many more people who feel the same way. 

Let's remind them that we know about the flaws, risks and lost opportunities that come with approving this project.

The government is considering the project right now.  So don't delay, send an email today.

Join with others

Geelong Sustainability MP Engagement Group provides a way that you can turn your climate concerns into climate actions, working together and encouraging each other to put pressure on our MPs and get some action in parliament! 

Meeting on the third Wed of every month, usually online, we have great sessions – lots of talking and participation – and true to our aim, letters and emails are written and sent!

Using the Climate for Change briefs and templates we write to politicians at Local, State and Federal levels, addressing the climate change issues that are important to us as individuals.

Most importantly we feel safe, encouraged and informed, and we enjoy connecting! Please join us – everyone is welcome. No experience necessary – come as you are!

Get more details

Express method

If your local member is one of the MPs listed adjacent, you can click 1 button to start an email to them, no need for any further steps.  If not - read below to find who your member is. 

Step 1

Determine what electoral district and region your home is located in on the VEC website. 

This will determine who your member in the legislative assembly is and your members in the  legislative council. 

Step 2

Now that you know who your representatives are, you can find their contact details on the Parliament website. Note these down somewhere.

Step 3

It's time to prepare your message!

We have prepared two template letters:

  1. for Government MPs around the Geelong Region and
  2. for Government MPs in other areas of Victoria. 

Note that the letter assumes it is talking to a Government MP, not an opposition or independent MP. 

We encourage you to use the letter as a starting point from which you can personalise it.  Consider what the background and priorities are of your representatives and how you can appeal to them. You can checkout their initiatives and events that they are holding to get to understand them better. 

Download our fact sheet

Watch the webinar
Download the slides

Click here to start an email with the below template, or copy the below template into the email app of your choosing.

I live in your electorate and I am writing to you to express my objections to Viva Energy’s proposed LNG gas import terminal. 

I care deeply about opposing Viva's terminal because
[Climate change, my safety, amenity, environmental damage, I walk along the bay, I paddle on the bay, I live nearby]

I believe that this is the wrong direction for this state to take, and I am calling on you to advocate to the responsible Minister to reject Viva’s terminal. The terminal threatens the safety of Geelong residents, the health of the environment of Corio bay, and increases the impacts of climate change.

My understanding is that serious shortcomings were identified in the safety and risk management of Viva’s project during the EES hearings, such as not considering the contributory effects of positioning the terminal next to two major hazard facilities (a refinery and chemicals import terminal). These shortcomings in the risk assessments compound with the fact that the proposal was already closer to residents that all other LNG terminals in Australia. The transiting vessels full of LNG will pass within 250m from homes in North Shore, if there was a spill and a fire it would likely cause instantaneous fatalities such is the intensity of the radiant heat from burning LNG. All of which make me as a Geelong resident concerned for my safety and of the belief that the proposed location is not suitable.

The hearing also heard from a marine ecologist who identified that Viva’s statement used outdated literature and  inadequate underwater surveys. They concluded that the marine ecology assessment did not meet scientific standards.

Importing fossil (“natural”) gas by shipping it as LNG emits huge amounts of greenhouse gases - up to 600,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions in Viva’s own projections if they import gas from Qatar.  And that’s even before counting the emissions created when the gas is burned in homes and businesses. This project claims it would import up to 160 petajoules of gas, which is the equivalent of 8.8 million tonnes of greenhouse pollution per year, or 9% of Victoria’s annual emissions. These emissions run counter to Victoria’s legislated emissions reduction targets, and the Government’s Gas Substitution Roadmap which models a 50% reduction in gas use by 2030.  I am concerned about the future we are creating if we continue to approve fossil fuel projects.

The gas industry wants everyone to believe that more gas is a necessary part of the transition to an entirely renewable and electric economy.  This statement is incorrect, we have the technology available right now to skip gas and go straight to an all-electric all-renewable future.  The majority of gas usage in Victoria is easily replaced with reverse cycle air conditioners, heat-pump hot water and induction cooktops.  Increasing the rate that consumers switch away from gas through increased government subsidies and grants will reduce demand on the gas network such that the need for new gas infrastructure is eliminated.

Your government has taken laudable measures to increase the amount of renewable energy generation in this state — but more is still needed to mitigate the climate emergency.  It’s inconsistent and illogical to be increasing renewable generation while also approving fossil fuel projects.  Renewables need to displace fossil fuels from the energy mix of our state.

I am asking you to call on the responsible Minister and explain the significant objections to this project outlined in this letter and why this is the wrong direction for the State of Victoria. Can you let me know your position on Viva’s gas terminal and the response that you receive from the Minister.

Thank you for considering my letter,


Click here to start an email with the below template, or copy the below template into the email app of your choosing.

My name is ________________ , I live in your electorate and I am writing to you to express my objections to Viva Energy's LNG gas import terminal that the government needs to shortly make a decision on. 

I believe building new fossil fuel infrastructure is the wrong direction for this state to take, and I am calling on you to advocate to the responsible Minister to reject this terminal – like was done for the almost identical proposal by AGL in Westernport Bay. 

The rationale behind this project is that it eliminates a ‘shortfall’ in gas for this state, however it has been repeatedly shown that there is sufficient supply of gas - if only we stop the LNG exporters from sending it all overseas.  The ACCC found that 60% of all gas on the east coast of Australia will be exported in 2023.  It’s ludicrous that we need to buy gas from the international market to supply Victorians - when Australia is one of the largest LNG exporters in the world. 

Importing fossil (“natural”) gas by shipping it as LNG emits huge amounts of greenhouse gases - up to 600,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions in Viva’s own projections if they import gas from Qatar.  And that’s even before counting the emissions created when the gas is burned in homes and businesses. This project claims it would import up to 160 petajoules of gas, which is the equivalent of 8.8 million tonnes of greenhouse pollution per year, or 9% of Victoria’s annual emissions. These emissions run counter to Victoria’s legislated emissions reduction targets, and the Government’s Gas Substitution Roadmap which models a 50% reduction in gas use by 2030.  I am concerned about the future we are creating if we continue to approve fossil fuel projects. 

The gas industry wants everyone to believe that more gas is a necessary part of the transition to an entirely renewable and electric economy.  This statement is incorrect, we have the technology available right now to skip gas and go straight to an all-electric all-renewable future.  The majority of gas usage in Victoria is easily replaced with reverse cycle air conditioners, heat-pump hot water and induction cooktops.  Increasing the rate that consumers switch away from gas through increased government subsidies and grants will reduce demand on the gas network such that the need for new gas infrastructure is eliminated. 

I have personally _________________________________________

<<disconnected by house from gas>> << witnessed neighbours/friends/family disconnect their house from gas>> <<wanted to disconnect my house from gas but would like more government support to do so>>

Your government has taken laudable measures to increase the amount of renewable energy generation in this state — but more is still needed to mitigate the climate emergency.  It’s inconsistent and illogical to be increasing renewable generation while also approving fossil fuel projects.  Renewables need to displace fossil fuels from the energy mix of our state. 

I am asking you to call on the responsible Minister and explain the significant objections to this project outlined in this letter and why this is the wrong direction for the State of Victoria. Can you let me know your position on Viva’s gas terminal and the response that you receive from the Minister. 

Thank you for considering my letter, 



Step 4

Send it! Either by post or email to the MPs you have chosen. 

We encourage you to follow up with your MP by calling the office after a few days and talking about your letter with the MP or their policy officer. 


Step 5

Tell us about it! 

We'd love to track how many letters have been sent, and hear any experiences or responses that you've got from your MP.  

Once you've sent the letter, can you fill out our short form?  If you hear back from your MP you can return to this page and tell us about their response.