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Dear Minister Blandthorn,

Geelong needs more renewables, not gas. I call on you to reject Viva Energy’s proposed gas import terminal for Corio Bay.

Geelong can be a renewable energy hub. We’ve got the infrastructure, skilled workforce and proud manufacturing heritage to position our region as the place for the rapidly growing clean energy industry.

But Viva Energy in Corio is proposing to build a gas import terminal that takes our community in the wrong direction. Fossil fuels like gas and coal are on the way out. Investing in gas infrastructure right now is a road to nowhere.

Gas is also dangerous and polluting fuel that contributes to the climate crisis. Gas can be even worse for the climate than coal because it leaks into the atmosphere. This leaked gas traps more warmth, increasing our risks of severe heat, drought, bushfires and sea-level rise.

This project would significantly increase Victoria’s climate pollution at a time when the state government should be leading the transition to clean and safe renewable energy.

These floating gas terminals are also a threat to marine life and fishing. The Victorian government has already rejected a gas terminal in Westernport Bay because of “unacceptable risks” to the marine environment. We don’t want that in Corio Bay either.

Gas is highly explosive and many locals are concerned about safety. In other parts of Australia, gas terminals are located more than 3.5 kilometres from residential areas.

We don’t need this gas. The latest official gas forecast from the Australian Energy Market Operator shows Victoria has enough gas supply until at least 2026. By then, government programs to reduce gas demand will have kicked in, and these gas terminals will be stranded assets.

We’re calling on your government to reject this proposal for a dangerous and polluting gas terminal in Corio Bay, and support Geelong with investment in renewable energy jobs instead.


Renewables Not Gas for Geelong! Sign the petition

2,754 signatures

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