Public Meeting 🗓 🗺

This event has concluded – but you can watch the recording here or download the slides from here

Come along to this hybrid (inperson/online) meeting to hear about how the hearings into Viva’s gas import terminal have been proceeding, an update on the campaign so far, new actions that you can take and for those that are presenting to the hearing the week after – some tips and tricks and a Q&A about how to present well to the Inquiry Panel. 

If you are joining us online, the event starts at 6:30pm, and will approximately run until 7:30pm, with 30minutes of Q&A until 8pm.  You can RSVP here ( and then join via the following zoom link:  

If you are joining us in-person, we have some pizzas to share between 6:00pm and 6:30pm, and the event will conclude between 7:30 and 8pm.  The location is the Aviary Cafe, 45 Robin Avenue, Norlane. Come up the stairs/ramp near the corner with Eagle Parade, the meeting room is visible at the end of the courtyard. We will be wearing masks as much as possible. You can RSVP here (

Scheduled Events News
The Aviary Cafe, 45 Robin Avenue, Norlane Map