The Inquiry found that Viva’s EES was deficient in several areas, such that they were unable to fully assess if the project was going to cause unacceptable environmental effects.
Say No to Viva — Picnic and Rally
You are invited to join us for a picnic and rally to protest Viva’s floating gas import terminal.
The Geelong community takes Viva fight to Victorian parliament as decision looms on gas terminal
“After more than eight weeks of public hearings into the plan, the list of environment and safety concerns has actually increased,”
GeelongPort betrays community with backflip on Viva gas terminal.
Local community groups are outraged that GeelongPort has entered into a commercial agreement with Viva Energy to extend Refinery Pier for a proposed gas import terminal, despite previously raising serious safety and environmental concerns about the project. Geelong Renewables Not Gas Spokesperson Darcy Dunn said: “This is a betrayal of the Geelong community. GeelongPort had serious safety and environmental concerns …
Public Meeting 🗓 🗺
This event has concluded – but you can watch the recording here or download the slides from here Come along to this hybrid (inperson/online) meeting to hear about how the hearings into Viva’s gas import terminal have been proceeding, an update on the campaign so far, new actions that you can take and for those that are presenting to the hearing …
A successful presentation to the Inquiry and Advisory Panel
We (ACF Community Geelong) presented to the EES Inquiry Panel on Friday the 8th of July, and it was very successful. It was a fantastic reminder that despite the unlevel playing field, community members are listened to and can make a big impact. We encourage all community members who are presenting to the panel to make sure their attend their …
Viva Energy’s proposed floating gas terminal in Geelong’s Corio Bay will be a significant and persistent source of emissions that will make it much harder for the City of Greater Geelong to reach its emissions targets, according to a report to be published today. The report, titled Viva Energy Australia Gas Import Terminal Emissions Analysis, says Viva’s existing operations currently make up …
Viva Energy accused of ‘climate accounting trick’ as Geelong gas terminal emissions significantly underreported
Environment Victoria have found a massive discrepancy with the carbon emissions that Viva claim in their EES that the project will generate. AGL’s failed gas import terminal proposal’s emissions were 9x larger, because they followed the internationally recognised standard for accounting for carbon emissions. Viva is instead doing some ‘creative counting’ to arrive at their lower figure by excluding the …
Video Highlights Dangers to Geelong and Peninsula Communities of Transporting LNG
ACF Community Geelong has released a video highlighting the dangers posed by the transport of liquified natural gas (LNG) to more than 8000 residents on the Mornington and Bellarine peninsulas if a floating gas terminal proposed for Geelong goes ahead. Geelong Renewables Not Gas, the campaign being run by ACF Community Geelong, is concerned about possible safety and security risks …