We urgently need you to fight Viva’s Gas Import terminal – AGAIN!

Unfortunately we heard last week that Viva Energy’s Gas Import Terminal Proposal is back again! 😡

An alliance of organisations, is standing strongly against Viva Energy’s controversial plan to import gas, after the Victorian Government released a revised environmental assessment last Thursday. 

At a time when the world faces a climate emergency, it is vital to transition away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy solutions. Projects like Viva’s Gas Import Terminal move us in the wrong direction by creating infrastructure for more fossil fuels. 

This project threatens our safety, environment and our future, and we urgently need your help. 

We now have less than 30 days to make submissions against this proposal (the deadline is October 24th), and we need your support to help fund our fight against Viva Energy’s Gas Import Terminal. You can read their supplementary statements here.

Last year, Viva was sent back to the drawing board after the Victorian Government found their proposal to be deeply flawed and failing to address key concerns relating to Air Quality, Noise, Cultural Heritage, and Marine Environment, Dredging and Terrestrial Ecology.

The community took a powerful stand, submitting 2,000 objections and rallying hundreds in protest, a clear sign that this project has no social license. Now, we are calling on our community once again to ensure this fossil fuel development doesn’t occur in our backyard at a time when bold climate action and a transition to clean energy are more critical than ever.

Gas is not the solution, and importing fossil gas will only lock us into high gas bills and burn our chances of reaching net-zero emissions. Instead, we need to ramp up electrification of homes and businesses, reduce gas demand and carefully manage our existing gas use while we transition to clean energy.

Ways you can support the campaign: 

  • Make a submission: The Geelong Renewables Not Gas Alliance is developing a submission support tool and in the coming weeks we will be calling on you to voice your concerns by making a submission. We’ll also be holding a Submissions Webinar to help you create your own submission. You can sign up for the webinar here
  • Share our Viva announcement post: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and to share the campaign with your community.
  • Attend out next ‘Coffee Connection meeting’ to learn more about the Viva Energy’s plans and our strategy to oppose it.
    Where: Cloverdale Community Centre, 167-169 Purnell Road, Corio
    When: 5th October 2024, 10:30 – 12pm
    RSVP: acf.org.au/coffee_connection_-_october_2024

We will continue advocating for our community by lobbying local MPs and the Planning Minister, ensuring they understand the opposition to the Viva Gas Terminal. We will amplify the voices of local residents ensuring their concerns are heard, run important events, and broaden our reach through social media campaigns, media releases and partnerships with other environmental organisations to build widespread support.

Your support is crucial in building the momentum and capacity needed to push back against the Viva Gas Import Terminal and other harmful projects. Together, we can create a better future for our community.